Columbia, MD


Panther is 6yo, weighs 13lbs, is neutered, is up to date on his vaccinations, but is not microchipped.  Once a stray, his guardian rescued him and sought medical treatment for a wound.  Panther is alone at home 6 hours per day; he sleeps in his bed at night; he does well during car rides in a crate; he dislikes/fears loud noises.

Panther's guardian explains why she has made the difficult decision to rehome him:  Panther was accepted into the home as a stray approximately 7 months ago, but is not getting along with the property owner's resident cat.

Panther's guardian offers a brief a medical history:  "Panther was attacked by an outdoor cat bad; that's why he has to stay in and that is not working out."

Lunge/Attack Incident:  On 25 July 2024, Panther presumably lunged and attacked the other resident cat; the skin was not broken; animal control was not involved.  Panther's guardian is unsure of the circumstances because she and another person heard rather than saw the incident.

Panther's guardian states the following regarding children:  Since Panther doesn't live with children, his guardian doesn't recommend his living with children, stating 'Unknown".

Panther's guardian states the following regarding dogs:  Since Panther doesn't live with dogs, his guardian doesn't recommend his living with dogs, stating "Unknown".

Panther's guardian states the following regarding cats:  Panther lives with a cat, so his guardian recommends his living with cats, stating "Mostly no problems".

Panther's guardian describes him as:  

Very active
Likes to be touched

Panther's guardian describes his ideal future home:  "Indoor and outdoor home, even a barn would be good."

Rehoming Fee:  None

Location:  Upper Falls, MD


  • Breed: Domestic Short Hair


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