Loc Ness, Big Foot & Godzilla

Brooklyn, NY


Introducing Loc Ness, Big Foot and Godzilla, don’t be intimidated by their names, as this is the friendliest crew you’ll ever meet. Loc Ness is a sweet, quiet boy who likes to people watch and nap below the sun rays, he’s a fan of treats and butt scratches. Big Foot is a big boy with lots of energy. He loves to play with wand toys and anything with a bell. Big foot takes catnaps wherever he can and is very adaptable to new situations, he is a sweet little love bug. Godzilla loves to play with his brothers and is especially drawn to any round rolling toy he could chase to his delight! These sweet kittens have grown up in foster care and they love people as much as they love each other. Each one a little gem that should go in pairs or to a home with another friendly & playful kitten or young cat. Either way, they are primed to be just the furry companion you’ve always dreamed of.

All three have tested negative for FeLV/FIV, are fully vaccinated and neutered. If you’re interested in meeting these little lovelies, visit BrooklynAnimalAction.org and submit an adoption form. Be sure to designate DonnaE as the rescuer and Godzilla & friends as the cat, contact [email protected] with any further inquiries. 

Thank you for choosing adoption, your support allows us to make room for the next furry friend in need.


  • Age: Baby
  • Breed: Domestic Short Hair (short coat)

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