This big, senior boy is Gandalf. He came to the AHHS from a cruelty case in Sullivan County.
Gandalf came to us following a cruelty case in Sullivan County, TN. Given all he's been through, we do try to give him some grace. He was tried in a home with other cats, but it has been determined that he would prefer to be your one and only. He's very content just lounging around with little activity.
He's a large cat; roughly 15 pounds. He does not enjoy being picked up, likely due to his size and insecurities. He's really a neat fella once he warms up to you. He will gladly come over for pets and love but will walk away when he's had enough. With his age, I couldn't see him being the destructive type as he certainly has not been while in his large cat condo at the humane society. However, I cannot guarantee his behavior once in a home environment.
We do allow what is called a "trial adoption" for adult cats which we believe would be a good option for this fella. This allows you a week or 2 to see exactly how he's going to do in your home before committing to adoption.
Please contact Halee for additional information. [email protected] or apply online at