Meet Addie, George, Snow, and Greyson—four adorable kittens and their devoted momma, a family whose bond is nothing short of heartwarming. These precious kittens were discovered crying in a ditch after their loving momma desperately tried to get our attention. She led us right to them, and since then, she’s been the most protective and caring mother imaginable. Momma has shown nothing but love for her babies, and we would love to see her adopted alongside one of her kittens. She even carried each of them into our home, where they’ve been lovingly fostered since they were just a few weeks old. Born around September 15, 2024, these sweethearts are now ready for their forever homes.
The kittens are inseparable, playing together non-stop, and they’ve also formed a close bond with our dog, who is very much a part of their little crew. Because of the strong connections between them, we’d love to see the tabbies—Addie, George, or Momma—adopted together with either Snow or Greyson.
If you’re interested in adopting or would like more information, please contact Suzi at 925-708-6967 or via email at [email protected]. We kindly ask that you fill out an application and send it over to help us find these sweethearts the loving home they deserve.
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